Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (2024)

Sloppy Rover ? Are we cooking dogs now ? No. I called this second recipe Sloppy Rover because it is very similar to the Sloppy Joe's that I have come to love - it's just the dog rendition of it, therefore Sloppy Rover. To start with, let me explain to you, that this recipe is basically taken from "Frisst night - gibt's nicht"by Ingeborg Pils (I love her book) just with a small change, so let me tell you how to make this !

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (1)
Home-made Sloppy Rover with kibble that soaked up the added water

So what do you need:

  • Butter or olive oil
  • Optional:4 onion (this is optional as there are some people that believe onion are bad for dogs)
  • Tomatos or Tomato Paste
  • 500g ground beef
  • 8-10 carrots
  • 1 Liter Low Sodium (or home made) Vegetable broth
  • 300g corn
  • Deep pan or better a wok
  • Bags or tupperware for leftovers
  • Pen to label

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (2)The processis not as fast as the first dish, but it's easy

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (3)

  • Peel onion and carrots
  • Cut onion into cubes
  • Melt butter/heatolive oilin a pan
  • Add onionand fry untilthey turn a bitsee through
  • Add beef
  • Cut carrots into cubes
  • If you are using tomatos, cut those into small cubes too
  • Add carrots once beef is thoroughly cooked
  • Add in tomato paste or cubed tomatos
  • Add in the vegetable broth
  • Let it cook for 20 minutes (or possibly more), until most of the water is gone
  • Add in corn (without the water if you are using canned corn)
  • Bring to a boil and take off the stove
  • Let it cool
  • Feed/Bag and store it

Serving it:

  • It can be served by itself
  • With rice or pasta
  • With dry or wet kibble

As Odette is gaining more weight and is starting to need more food, I have packaged these in bags of about125g each. My favorite way of serving it to her is to add one bag to 1 cup of kibble, pour hot water on it, so that kibble water reaches the same height as kibble, let the water cool down and mix it all together. The kibble soaks up the water, and with it the taste of the home-made food, coaxing her into eating more kibble, which is important as it has all the puppy nutrition she needs.

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (4)

The entire costof this dish was about $7 and I was able to get about 17 servings out of it (packaging them in bigger quantities than before). I have been feeding her bagged food nearly every night because she loves it so much, and as mentioned, it's cheaper than any decent quality wet food you can buy.

The timethis dish took out of my day was about a total of 1 1/2 hours. The main time consuming part was the labelling and packaging of all the bags. I had to let my dish boil for about 40 minutes because I did not have access to my stove, so it took longer on this heating plate than it would on the stove.

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (5)

As for labelling, it is important to write on the bag: ingredients, how to prepare it, the weight and date. If I ever want to give food away I want to remember what is in it in case a dog is allergic to certain things, by putting the weight I also know how many bags the dog should eat (or how much kibble is needed to make up for it). Secondly, Sam has asked me endless times how to prepare dog-food, but no more, now that it is written on the bag. And thirdly, do not keep this food in your fridge for longer than about a week and in your freezer for no longer than 3-6 months.

Cheap, fast, healthy and your dog will love it.

P.S.: Since there are a lot of people, who are against feeding onions to dogs, I want to stress that firstly, the onion in this recipe is cooked and not raw, secondly vets opinions on feeding onions to dog differ greatly around the world. If you are not sure whether you should feed your dog onion or not, ask your vet, some say yes, others no.

Please refrain from commenting things such as "do not give your dogs onion, they can kill them" etc. - I am well aware of both sides of the story and have made my own educated decision that I want to add onions to my recipes and feed them to my dog.

Recipe 2: Sloppy Rover (2024)
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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.