The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (2025)

Do you get headaches and feel frustrated with taking so many medications for them? Natural remedies are super helpful because they don’t contain chemicals. Try this Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches the next time you feel that familiar pain in your head.

Headaches happen for multiple reasons. From stress to hormonal surges to allergies to dehydration to low blood sugar, headaches can make an appearance when we least expect it. Identifying a safe and effective way to treat a headache can seem out of reach.

Lately I’ve been getting a ton of tension headaches and migraines. I always put it on hormones since they seem to be all over the place these days. But after bloodwork it seems that not only am I borderline dehydrated but I am also deficient in vitamin D! I NEVER would have pinned it on that but it’s amazing to find something that I can change to help keep these headaches at bay.

This 2018 study in the Journal of Clinical Neurology found that a larger number of monthly days with headache was related to vitamin D deficiency among migraineurs.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (2)

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Treat Your Headaches with Essential Oils

Some of us are not fans of taking pills and would prefer to pursue a more natural approach to relieving a headache.

Essential oils are an excellent alternative therapy for treating a headache and ranks highly among those who prefer to lead a naturalist life. Also, if you are one who prefers to leverage a combination therapy approach, essential oils are a fantastic augmentation or supplemental treatment.

These natural agents can treat various types of headaches including migraine headaches, tension headaches, and sinus headaches to name a few. Essential oils are particularly useful because they generally go to the source of the problem thanks to their unique ability to stimulate chemical releases in the brain that can generate feelings of calm, address pain, reduce stress, regulate hormonal surges, and improve circulation.

You can apply many of these oils topically, but many experts recommend using a diffuser when possible for best results.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (3)

Best Essential Oils for Headaches

There are several essential oils that relieve symptoms associated with headaches. Finding the best oil for your needs will vary person to person, but do not be afraid to spend time discovering the essential oil that works best for you. Here are five essential oils that provide headache relief.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (4)

Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender oil promotes relaxation and soothes our senses, enabling us to release pent-up tension and stress –all symptoms that can contribute to a throbbing headache. It functions as an anti-anxiety, antidepressant, sedative, and calming agent.

You can use this oil as a component of aromatherapy, or you may use it as a topical oil with dilution. Lavender oil is particularly useful in relieving migraine headaches. You can massage this oil into the temples and the back of your neck to treat symptoms.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (5)

Rosemary Essential Oil

Rosemary oil aids in the reduction of pain and helps to relieve tension. Rosemary oil is an excellent natural stress reducing agent. Studies show that rosemary oil not only reduces tension but acts as a natural analgesic which helps to treat pain. Also, it can demolish other symptoms that may accompany headaches such as nausea and insomnia.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (6)

Peppermint Essential Oil

When applied to the forehead, peppermint oil delivers a cooling sensation, stimulating circulation, and reducing muscle contractions. Peppermint oil is especially useful in treating tension headaches (American Family Physician). You can apply peppermint oil to your wrists, forehead or temples.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (7)

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Apply eucalyptus oil to the tip of your nose, chest, and temples to aid in relieving sinus tension while also opening your nasal passages. Eucalyptus has a rich history and reputation for getting the necessary results that help to reduce inflammation and eliminate blockage that accompanies sinus problems.

Oregano Essential Oil

Oregano oil can help to cure mild headaches as well as migraines. Its chemical ingredient carvacrol acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent which aids in rapid relief. You can take this oil orally by placing a few drops beneath your tongue or apply it topically. Of course, when consuming any essential oil, make sure it is intended for oral consumption.

For best results, when using this oil topically, apply oil to your forehead and temples.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (8)

Using Essential Oils

My favorite way of using essential oils for headache relief is to combine them in a roller bottle and roll onto my forehead, temples and back of my neck. It is not immediate relief, and may take up to 20 minutes to feel pain relief.

You can also add these essential oils with epsom salt to a bath and soak in the oils and breathe them in through the steam.

Each of these oils provides strong inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help you to take control of a mild or a chronic headache. You have the option to use each of these oils topically or orally. Next time you have a headache, try one of these oils for relief.

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches is Easy Too!

Here is my favorite roller bottle recipe for headache relief! I use this ALL the time as it’s soothing and calming and smells so good.

– 1 roller bottle (purchase here)
– 20 drops Peppermint essential oil
– 15 drops Eucalyptus essential oil
– 15 drops Lavender essential oil
– 15 drops Frankincense essential oil
– carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil

Fill roller bottle with the essential oils and top off with carrier oil. Roll onto forehead, temples, and back of neck as needed for pain relief.

Where to buy essential oils

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (9)

I love Rocky Mountain Oils because of their quality 100% pure essential oils that require no minimum purchase and always supplies FREE shipping! Plus they always have specials going on!

The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (10)

Rocky Mountain Oils stands behind the purity of their product and offer free online access to batch specific GC/MS test results. Simply enter your batch number. If you’re wanting to see results for an oil you’re considering and don’t already have, you can call and they will give you the appropriate batch number.

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The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches (2025)


The Best Essential Oil Recipe for Headaches? ›

For an on-the-go, pain relief roll-on recipe, add 4 drops each of lavender and peppermint oil plus 2 drops rosemary oil in a 10ml roller ball bottle and fill with jojoba oil. Dot on the temples and forehead, and massage into your skin. Experiment with different blend options to find out which works the best for you.

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Mild Headache Diffuser Blend

Peppermint and Rosemary essential oils are both believed to have pain-relieving properties. This refreshing blend will help dissipate a mild headache before it takes hold.

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This blended formula includes peppermint, wintergreen, frankincense, and lavender essential oils. Apply to the base of the neck, chest and on your temples as needed. Avoid eye area. If your headaches persist, please seek medical attention.

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Which Essential Oils Are Best For Pain? One of Mother nature's most powerful painkillers, peppermint oil is frequently used for alleviating pain [1]. Closely related to peppermint, wintergreen oil boasts similar properties due to its methyl salicylate component.

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One study found that lavender may also be effective in the management of migraines. Other research suggests that lavender can improve sleep quality in people,4 a possible benefit for those who suffer from sleep deprivation-related headaches. Peppermint: If you suffer from tension headaches, peppermint oil may help.

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Hot or cold showers or baths may relieve a headache for some people. You may also want to rest in a quiet room with a cool cloth on your forehead. Gently massaging your head and neck muscles may provide relief. If your headaches are due to stress or anxiety, you may want to learn ways to relax.

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And one more easy way to use these oils is to add 5-10 drops to a warm water bath. This can be especially helpful if you experience headaches at night and have trouble sleeping. It will leave you feeling calm and more relaxed, as lavender and frankincense have sedative properties.

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In a clean 10 mL bottle with roller top removed, drop: peppermint, rosemary, lavender, marjoram and frankincense oil. Fill the remaining portion of the bottle (just until you reach the bottom 'neck' of the bottle not to the top) with fractionated coconut oil.

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A Cold Compress or Ice Pack Can Help Lessen Pain

Although both ice and heat can be used to relieve pain, most people with migraine prefer cold, according to the National Headache Foundation. Cold packs can be placed on the forehead and temples or on the back of the neck if you prefer.

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Most cooling

Peppermint oil is one of the most commonly used essential oils to treat headaches and migraine attacks. It contains menthol, which can help relax muscles and ease pain. It's thought that applying diluted peppermint oil topically can help relieve pain from both tension headaches and migraine attacks.

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Heat mustard oil in a pan on medium heat and pour it into a glass bowl. Add freshly ground ajwain seeds or ajwain powder, followed by eucalyptus oil. Mix well and apply to the affected areas. Massage this DIY painkiller oil on the affected parts and derive the benefits of oil massage on body.

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chamomilla essential oils are even better than commercial anti-inflammatory medicine (ibuprofen), via markedly down-regulating the expression of inflammatory cytokines, like cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2), tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) in vivo.

What oil is most anti-inflammatory? ›

Flaxseed oil is the best oil source of omega-3 fatty acids, which help to reduce inflammation, lower "bad" cholesterol (LDL cholesterol), prevent blood clotting and benefit overall health.

Where do you rub Peppermint oil for headaches? ›

Dab a couple drops of your oil mixture onto your fingers and massage it onto your temples, the back of your neck, your shoulders, and your chest area. Tension headaches are often caused by muscle contractions in this part of your body.

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Frankincense Essential Oil

Anti-inflammatory: Like rose oil, frankincense also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it effective in reducing the pain and swelling associated with headaches.

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Place one to two drops of the oil on these areas. Use clean fingers to gently massage in the oil in small, circular motions. You can also try applying the oil on your neck, just below your ears, and your chest. Peppermint oil is really great for sinus headaches, too.

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Essential oils need to be diluted in a carrier oil before being applied directly to the skin. Usually, the recommended ratio is 3 to 5 drops of essential oil to 1 ounce of sweet almond oil, warmed coconut oil, or mineral oil.

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To treat the area of pain more directly, add a few drops of the oil or blend to a cold washcloth and place it on your forehead. You can also do this with a warm washcloth and place it on the back of your neck for a relaxing compress.

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