Progestogen-only Pill: How It Works, Side Effects & Benefits (2024)

What is progestogen-only pill (POP)?

Progestogen-only pill (POP), known as mini pill, is a method of contraception that contains synthetic progestogens (progestins) and does not contain estrogen.

How does POP work?

The POP works by several mechanisms to prevent pregnancy.

  1. Primarily, it prevents ovulation — the phase in the reproductive cycle where an egg is released from the ovary.

  2. Additionally, POP thickens the cervical mucus, creating a barrier that impedes sperm from reaching the egg.

  3. It also thins the lining of the uterus, reducing the likelihood of a fertilised egg implanting.

Together, these actions provide effective contraception.

How effective is the POP?

When taken consistently at the same time each day, POP reaches an effectiveness of 99% in preventing pregnancy. However, its effectiveness can decrease to approximately 91% if pills are missed or not taken exactly as directed.

How to take POP?

Taking the progestogen-only pill (POP) is straightforward. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Daily Routine:

    • POP comes in a pack of 28 pills. Take one pill orally each day. Choose a time that fits your schedule and stick to it, taking the pill at the same time every day for maximum effectiveness.

  2. Consistency is key:

    • To ensure continuous protection, it’s important to take your pill every day without missing a dose.

  3. Starting a new pack:

How long does it take for POP to start working?

The progestogen-only pill (POP) provides contraceptive protection within different timeframes depending on when you start taking it.

Starting within the first 5 days of your menstrual period:

  • The POP becomes effective immediately at preventing pregnancy.

  • No additional contraceptive method is needed.

Starting at any other time during your cycle:

  • You must use an additional barrier contraceptive method (e.g. condoms) or abstain from sex for the first 48 hours after starting the POP.

  • After 48 hours of consistent POP use, it becomes effective at preventing pregnancy.

  • The 48-hour delay is necessary because it takes approximately two days for the POP to thicken cervical mucus and impair sperm viability, ensuring effective contraception.

This guideline also applies if you have a shorter menstrual cycle; additional contraception is advised for the first 2 days of starting POP.

Where to buy POP?

POP contains prescriptive medication which is only available in family planning clinics, women’s clinics, and some GP clinics.

How much is POP in Singapore?

In Singapore, the POP typically costs between $25 to $40 for a monthly pack.

What are the pros and cons of using POP?


  • Unlike barrier methods such as condoms, it does not interfere with sexual activity

  • It is safe for use during breastfeeding

  • You will be able to get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill

  • You may experience lighter, shorter, and less painful menstrual periods

  • It is suitable for individuals who cannot use or tolerate estrogen-based contraceptives


  • You will need to take the pills at or around the same time each day for maximum effectiveness

  • It does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

What are the side effects of POP?

The POP can have side effects, which vary from person to person. Here are some possible side effects:

  1. Menstrual changes:

    • You might experience irregularities in your menstrual cycles, including lighter or more frequent periods, or spotting between periods.

  2. Hormonal side effects:

    • Some women may experience temporary hormonal side effects such as breast tenderness, headaches, mood swings, acne, nausea, and vomiting.

  3. Ovarian cysts:

    • POP may cause the development of small ovarian cysts, which are usually harmless and often resolve on their own.

Remember, not everyone will experience these side effects, and many women use POP without any issues. If you have any concerns or experience any side effects, seek guidance from your doctor.


What if I miss my POP?

It's important to take the progestogen-only pill (POP) at the same time every day because it's absorbed quickly by the body. If you miss your scheduled dose by more than 3 hours, here's what to do:

  1. Take the missed pill: As soon as you remember, take the missed pill immediately.

  2. Use backup contraception: To ensure you remain protected, use a backup method of contraception, such as condoms, for the next 2 days.

When can I start taking POP after giving birth?

You can start taking the POP immediately after childbirth. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Starting POP within 21 days after birth: If you begin taking POP on or before the 21st day after giving birth, you’ll have immediate protection against pregnancy.

  • Starting POP after 21 days: If you start taking POP after the 21st day post-delivery, you’ll need to use an additional form of contraception, such as condoms, for the first 2 days to ensure effective pregnancy prevention.

Consult your doctor for personalised advice and support to ensure you start POP at the right time for your situation.

When can I start using POP after miscarriage or abortion?

You can start taking POP immediately following a miscarriage or abortion, and you will receive instant protection against pregnancy. If you start POP more than 5 days after the event, use an additional method of contraception, such as condoms, for the first 2 days to ensure effective pregnancy prevention.

Your doctor can provide further guidance and support to help you manage your contraception effectively during this time.

Who is not suitable for POP?

POP may not be suitable for everyone. Certain individuals should either avoid it or use it with caution under medical guidance. These include people who have:

  • Unexplained vagin*l bleeding

  • Liver disease

  • Breast cancer

  • Autoimmune diseases such as lupus

  • Circulatory problems such as heart attack or stroke

Does POP protect against STDs?

POP does not protect you against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). To help protect yourself from STDs, use a male and/or female condom each time you and your partner have sex.

Should I bleed when I’m on POP?

You may experience a change in your menstrual bleeding pattern (your period may become less or even stop). However, some individuals may still have normal menses while on POP.

What is the difference between the POP and the normal pill?

There are two different types of contraceptive pills that are commonly used. POP only contains synthetic progesterone while normal pill contains synthetic estrogen and progesterone.

Progestogen-only Pill: How It Works, Side Effects & Benefits (2024)


Progestogen-only Pill: How It Works, Side Effects & Benefits? ›

Both progestogen only pills works by thickening the fluid around the cervix (opening to the uterus or womb). This helps to prevent the sperm from entering. The drospirenone progestogen only pill also stops the ovaries from releasing an egg. This can sometimes also happen with traditional progestogen only pills also.

What are the positive effects of progesterone only pill? ›

It can be used when breastfeeding. There are no known interactions with liver enzyme-inducing drugs, such as rifampicin. It may reduce heavy painful periods and help with premenstrual symptoms. It can be used in women for whom combined hormonal contraceptives are not recommended.

What are the disadvantages of progestogen only pills? ›

Side effects of the progestogen-only pill

Your periods may be lighter, more frequent or may stop altogether. You may get some bleeding (spotting) between periods. Some people may get acne, mood swings, weight gain or changes to sex drive (libido).

How does the progestin-only pill affect the body? ›

The minipill thickens cervical mucus and thins the lining of the uterus. These prevent sperm from reaching the egg and a fertilized egg from implanting in the womb. The minipill may keep you from ovulating. This means that the pill keeps your ovaries from releasing an egg.

Who benefits from progestin only pills? ›

It can be used by women who have contraindications to the use of estrogen, such as those who have: Past or current venous thromboembolism (VTE) such as pulmonary embolism or calf deep vein thrombosis. Past or current arterial disease such as myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular accidents (strokes)

What does progesterone do to a woman's body? ›

What is the main purpose of progesterone? The main function of progesterone is to prepare the endometrium (lining of your uterus) for a fertilized egg to implant and grow. If a pregnancy doesn't occur, the endometrium sheds during your menstrual period.

Is there a benefit to taking progesterone? ›

Helps prevent fibrocystic disease and ovarian cysts. Helps with symptoms of PMS. Increases ability to handle stress. Helps the metabolism by contributing to the use of fat for energy.

Do you gain weight on progesterone only pill? ›

It isn't actual fat gain. One literature review found that study participants gained, on average, fewer than 4.4 pounds after 6 or 12 months of using a progestin-only pill. If you gain substantially more than that after starting hormonal birth control, your weight gain is likely caused by something else.

What happens when you start taking progesterone only pill? ›

How do progestin-only pills work? The progestin in the pills has several effects in the body that help prevent pregnancy: The mucus in the cervix thickens, making it difficult for sperm to enter the uterus and fertilize an egg. Progestin stops ovulation, but it does not do so consistently.

What happens if you take progesterone only? ›

The minipill is a form of birth control. This progestin-only pill is taken by mouth. It works by thickening your cervical mucus, stopping ovulation and thinning your uterine lining.

What is the main function of the progestin-only pill? ›

Progestin-only birth control causes the lining of the uterus (womb) to thin and the cervical mucus to thicken, which prevents sperm from meeting with and fertilizing an egg. Progestin-only pills contain only one hormone, progestin. Progestin-only pills are a good choice if you cannot take estrogen.

How does progestin change your body? ›

Progesterone is one of the main reproductive hormones responsible for your menstrual cycle. Progestin supplements, in turn, can help normalize a person's menstrual cycle. This could include treating symptoms like irregular periods, heavy periods or not getting a period (amenorrhea).

What happens when you stop taking progestin-only pills? ›

Immediate Return of Fertility

One of the first effects of quitting mini-pills is your fertility is likely to bounce back quickly. Since these pills stop ovulation, once the synthetic hormones clear your system, your ovaries start maturing and releasing eggs again each month.

Is the progestogen-only pill bad for you? ›

There are some risks of using the mini pill, but they are not common. A very small number of women may experience some serious side effects. These may include: ovarian cysts.

Who Cannot use progestin only pills? ›

Have just had an abortion, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy. Smoke cigarettes, regardless of woman's age or number of cigarettes smoked. Have anemia now or had in the past. Have varicose veins.

What are the disadvantages of the mini pill? ›

Possible side effects for a small number of users can include:
  • irregular vagin*l bleeding.
  • headaches.
  • sore or tender breasts.
  • changes to your skin.
  • mood changes.
Mar 17, 2023

Is the progesterone only pill good for your skin? ›

In fact, birth control pills that contain only progesterone can actually make acne worse.

What does taking progesterone alone do? ›

Progesterone thins the uterine lining, helping to prevent the development of endometrial cancer. Taken on its own or with estrogen, progesterone may also improve sleep and protect some cognitive functions. Progesterone isn't for everyone, however. Talk with a healthcare professional about whether it's safe for you.

What are the benefits of progesterone pills fertility? ›

Progesterone is an important part of infertility treatment because it supports implantation and pregnancy. Health care providers often have a preference for which form of progesterone they prescribe for infertility treatment. Their preference is generally based on their experience with the various methods.

Are progesterone only pills better for mood? ›

Progestogen-only contraception is more strongly linked with mood disorders than combined contraception, so if you think you might be at risk of low mood (or know that this is something you have experienced on the pill before) speak to your doctor about trying a combined oral method, and try to avoid low-dose oestrogen ...

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