Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (2024)

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (3)

Standing Up for Victims in Snohomish County

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Every year, bicycle accidents kill or seriously injure almost 140,000 Americans. The economic losses alone, mostly hospital bills and missed work, exceed $23 billion a year. The noneconomic losses, such as pain and suffering, lost enjoyment in life, and emotional distress, are difficult to calculate. That’s especially true since a disproportionate number of these victims are small children on small bicycles. Most drivers frankly aren’t maintaining a proper lookout for such riders.

Victims who think that politicians or police officers will protect them may need to think again. Motorists often oppose designated bicycle lanes, lower speed limits, and other safety measures. Furthermore, many law enforcement officers view bicycle crashes as civil matters which aren’t police business.

When politicians and other officials refuse to protect people, the dedicated Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers at Strong Law pick up the slack. In short, we are on your side. No matter how other people feel about the collision, we do what it takes to obtain maximum compensation for victims and survivors. Since no one can turn back the clock and reverse the events that led to the crash, the best survivors and victims can do is move on. At Strong Law, our professional team helps you do just that. Call us today at (206) 737-3496.


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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (6)Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (7)

The Strong Law Approach to Bicycle Accident Claims

This team includes lawyers, investigators, and other professionals who know what it takes to obtain maximum compensation for Everett, WA, bicycle accident victims. Teamwork is what helps us win 98 percent of the personal injury cases we handle.

Other law firms have high success rates as well, mostly because they only accept straightforward cases that settle quickly. In contrast, our tough Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers don’t hesitate to take on difficult cases. For us, no case is too easy or too hard. We help all personal injury victims put their lives back together.

We begin every case with a conversation. We want to know your needs and goals in a particular situation. This insight helps us piece together a winning strategy that upholds your legal and financial rights.

We are more than just talk. Bicycle accidents often cause serious injuries, such as whiplash, that are difficult to diagnose and treat. So, our Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers connect victims with top-notch doctors who know how to diagnose and treat such injuries. At Strong Law, nothing is more important to us than your well-being.

Once we address these priorities, we collect evidence that supports your claims and refutes possible insurance company defenses. Then, when medical treatment is at least substantially complete, we begin settlement negotiations with the insurance company. We believe in giving people the chance to do the right thing before we take matters to the next level.

That being said, we don’t hesitate to press the issue in court. Our Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers never look for the easy way out. Right now, we invite you to browse through some client testimonials from people whose lives have been changed for the better by Strong Law.

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How Much Does a Bicycle Accident Attorney in Everett, WA, Cost?

We mentioned the staggering economic cost of bicycle accidents above. The math works out to about $165,000 per victim in economic losses alone. Typically, employer-sponsored and other group health insurance plans do not cover injury-related costs. Most families cannot possibly afford to pay these expenses out of pocket. So, in the wake of a Snohomish County bicycle accident, car crash, truck accident, or other personal injury, the last thing victims need is another big bill to pay.

Therefore, our Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers do not charge upfront legal fees in these matters. We also front other litigation costs, such as filing fees and expert witness fees. Plus, the aforementioned medical assistance usually costs nothing upfront as well. We have professional relationships with experienced physicians, so these professionals usually agree to defer billing until the case is resolved.

On a related note, our Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers are good negotiators as well as good litigators, so we often convince medical and other providers to reduce their fees. This reduction could mean victims get to pocket additional settlement money, thanks to Washington’s complex collateral source rule.

Nuts and Bolts of Your Legal Claim

Speaking of complex rules, even a seemingly simple legal claim is subject to many complex rules, not to mention stiff opposition from insurance company lawyers. Fortunately, our Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers are up to the task.

Most bicycle accident and other injury claims involve the ordinary negligence doctrine. In Washington, this doctrine has four basic elements:

  • Duty: Most people have a duty of reasonable care in most situations. For example, most drivers have a legal duty to avoid accidents when possible and always drive defensively. Commercial vehicle operators as well as licensed professionals, like doctors, must adhere to a higher duty of care in most cases.
  • Breach: Essentially, a breach of duty is a lack of care. Among motorists, aggressive driving, like speeding and tailgating, violates the duty of care. So does impaired driving, like operating a motor vehicle while fatigued or under the influence of drugs. The higher the duty of care, the easier it is to establish a breach of duty in court.
  • Cause: This general element has two specific elements. Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyers must establish factual cause. If Jim didn’t see a pedestrian because the sun was in his eyes, the lighting contributed to the crash, but his inattention caused it. The second element, legal cause, is foreseeability (possibility) of injury. The connection between the breach and the damages cannot be too indirect.
  • Damages: Usually, the victim must sustain a tangible injury that money can compensate for. Since Washington is a tort state, the tangible injury could be personal injury or property damage. Money cannot fully compensate victims for emotional distress, but, quite frankly, money helps.

Comparative fault, in one form or another, is one of the most common insurance company defenses in personal injury claims. Basically, this legal loophole shifts accident blame from the negligent party to the victim.

For example, in a bicycle accident, the insurance company might claim the victim turned in front of the negligent driver. Or, in a fall injury claim, the insurance company might argue that the victim didn’t watch where she/he was going.

In Washington, even if a victim was partially or mostly responsible for an injury, the victim might still be entitled to compensation.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (9)Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (10)

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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (12)

«Sin duda los recomendaría».

Lindsey - Washington

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (13)

«Fue muy profesional y me trató como a un igual».

Solo quería dar las gracias a Jed y su equipo de Strong Law. No solo estaba contento con el resultado, sino con todo el proceso en su conjunto. Definitivamente recomendaría esta firma a cualquiera. Gracias de nuevo.

Nick S


Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (14)

«¡Un trabajo increíble!»

Tuve una reclamación que involucraba a mi propia compañía de seguros. Intenté negociar con ellos y rechazaron por completo mi reclamación, dos veces. Luego contraté a Strong Law y el cambio fue instantáneo. La compañía de seguros comenzó a negociar de inmediato y Jed pudo conseguir un acuerdo increíblemente bueno. Nunca volveré a intentar contratar una compañía de seguros sin contar con Strong Law de mi lado. ¡Gracias!»



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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (16)

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Una bienvenida de Jed Strong

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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (18)

«Siempre han estado ahí para mí».

Marsha - Washington

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (19)

«Recibí justicia y una compensación increíble».

«Contraté a Strong Law después de mi accidente automovilístico. Jed y su equipo trabajaron arduamente en mi caso. Fueron profesionales y compasivos durante mi cirugía y durante mi recuperación, y su comunicación fue excelente. Recibí justicia y una compensación increíble. Recomendaría Strong Law a cualquier persona en mi situación».

Rick R.


Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (20)

Obtenemos los resultados de las víctimas de lesiones

Las cuatro etapas de un caso judicial de accidenteJed StrongAbogado de accidentesEstudio de casoHe tenido un accidente, ¿qué es lo primero que debo hacer?Jed StrongAbogado de accidentesEstudio de caso

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Contact a Diligent Everett, WA, Bicycle Accident Lawyer

If you or a loved one was hurt or killed in a bicycle accident, you basically have two choices. You can face the problems these cases create all by yourself and accept the insurance company’s settlement offer, whether it is fair or not. Or you can reach out to an experienced bicycle accident attorney in Everett, WA, from Strong Law, and get the compensation you need and deserve, not to mention a partner who will help you recover from your injuries.

Reach out to us now for a free consultation. Call Strong Law today at 206-737-3496. Our professional team routinely handles matters in Washington and other states.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (26)Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (27)

FAQs About Bicycle Accidents in Everett, WA

Our clients have lots of questions about bicycle accidents in Snohomish County. Below are a few of the most common questions.

What are the most common causes of bicycle accidents?

A few bicycle accidents are single-vehicle collisions. Some riders hit curbs or other fixed objects. Driver error, usually aggressive driving or driver impairment, causes about 98 percent of these collisions. An Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyer can obtain compensation in court if the driving error was negligence, or a lack of care.

Where do bicycle accidents happen most?

As mentioned, many bicycle accident victims are children. Therefore, many of these wrecks happen in residential areas or near schools. The good news for victims is that impact speeds are usually lower in these collisions than in freeway collisions. The bad news is that victims have so little protection that the lower impact speed often doesn’t reduce the injuries sustained.

What is the most common bicycle injury?

Head injuries are the most common bicycle accident injury, followed by broken bones and internal injuries. Thin bicycle helmets often protect riders from head injuries in single-vehicle collisions. However, they offer little protection against oncoming cars. Normally, head injuries are permanent. Doctors can treat the symptoms, but they cannot “cure” the injury.

What to do after falling from a bike?

Regardless of the circ*mstances of the case, injury victims should always reach out to an Everett, WA, bicycle accident lawyer. Although there are thousands of lawyers in Washington, only a select few can successfully resolve an injury claim. At Strong Law, our Snohomish County bicycle accident lawyers have the right combination of experience, accessibility, and dedication. Our experienced lawyers have obtained life-changing results for victims just like you. We have multiple office locations in Washington, and we exclusively focus on personal injury claims.

Why do lawyers take so long to settle injury cases?

As outlined above, personal injury claims have a lot of moving parts. If there is any question in any area, insurance company lawyers use that as an excuse to delay the process. Furthermore, meaningful settlement negotiations cannot begin until medical treatment is at least substantially complete. If a case settles too soon, the victim may be financially responsible for all future medical expenses.

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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (28)

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Accidente de bicicleta


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How Strong Law will handle you case

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (31)

Investigate the Accident

Gather evidence, interview witnesses, and assess the circ*mstances surrounding the accident to establish facts and liability.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (32)

Identifying Compensation

Determine the extent of damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

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Engage in discussions with the opposing party or insurance companies to reach a fair settlement outside of court.

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If negotiations fail, proceed to court where legal arguments and evidence are presented before a judge or jury for a final decision.

Experiencia privilegiada

Sabemos cómo luchar contra las grandes compañías de seguros

Antes de representar a las víctimas de accidentes, Jed trabajó para la compañía de seguros GEICO como uno de sus abogados internos, representando a las compañías de seguros. Después de conocer el funcionamiento interno de las compañías de seguros, renunció y comenzó a representar a las víctimas de accidentes.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (35)

Sin comisiones por adelantado

Absolutamente CERO comisiones iniciales

Queremos ayudarlo a obtener el asesoramiento legal que necesita sin pagar por adelantado. No hay ninguna obligación de utilizar nuestro bufete de abogados y solo nos pagan si usted gana su caso.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (36)

Servicio de primera clase

Servicio al cliente de primera clase

Nuestro equipo de expertos legales se enorgullece de hacer todo lo posible para nuestros clientes. Le brindamos respuestas y soluciones a los problemas legales que pueda experimentar a causa de su accidente.

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (37)

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Comience con una evaluación gratuita

Estamos aquí para ayudarlo a recuperarse de su accidente física y fiscalmente. Permítanos ayudarlo a maximizar la compensación que se merece.

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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (40)

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Preguntas frecuentes

¿Tiene otras preguntas? Ponte en contacto con nuestro equipo en info@stronglawattorneys.com

¿Cuál es el valor de mi caso?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (42)

El valor de un caso de lesiones depende de muchos factores relacionados con el alcance de sus lesiones y cualquier otra pérdida asociada con su reclamación. Es posible que tenga facturas médicas, pérdida de ingresos, costos asociados con el dolor y el sufrimiento, entre otros posibles daños. Para conocer el posible valor de su caso, comuníquese con el equipo de Strong Law. En un evaluación gratuita de casos, le haremos saber cuánto puede valer su caso.

¿Cuáles son sus horarios?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (43)

Strong Law está abierto cinco días a la semana entre las 9 a.m. y las 5 p.m. Además, ofrecemos llamadas de vuelta fuera del horario de atención, llamadas de fin de semana y chat en línea.

¿Qué tipos de casos son lesiones personales?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (44)

Llámenos para saberlo con certeza, pero una buena regla general es cuando le ha ocurrido un «accidente» debido a los actos o fechorías de otra persona. Algunos ejemplos son: los accidentes automovilísticos, los accidentes de motocicletas, los accidentes de semirremolques, la muerte por negligencia médica, los resbalones, tropiezos y caídas, los accidentes de navegación, los equipos defectuosos, el maltrato en hogares de ancianos y muchos otros.

¿Se me cobrará por consultarlo o hablar con usted?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (45)

No, nunca. Strong Law es una firma de lesiones personales de contingencia que ofrece experiencia especializada y acceso cuando lo necesita. Nuestro objetivo es obtener el mejor acuerdo y brindar comodidad en el proceso, por lo que el fácil acceso a nosotros es parte de nuestras mejores prácticas.

¿Qué significa contingencia?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (46)

En un asunto legal, la contingencia significa un gasto para el cliente basado en el resultado de un evento o circunstancia futura que es posible pero que no se puede predecir con certeza. Dicho de otra manera, a Strong Law solo se le paga si su caso se resuelve.

¿Me pueden dar una evaluación de mi caso?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (47)

Absolutamente. Si bien no podemos garantizar nada ni pretendemos llegar a un acuerdo, nuestra disposición a aceptar su caso (y hacerlo en caso de contingencia) es nuestra voz para decir que creemos que su caso tiene un gran mérito. Después de hablar con usted, podemos proporcionarle una evaluación de méritos por teléfono. Sin embargo, le advertimos que aceptar su caso no promete nada, sino que su resultado se refleja en el bufete de abogados que elija.

¿Qué debo hacer si tengo problemas, como si su compañía de seguros me estuviera llamando?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (48)

Consiga siempre un abogado primero. Si se inscribe en Strong Law ahora, puede informar a su compañía de seguros de que tiene representación y darles nuestro nombre e información de contacto. A partir de ese momento, no deberían volver a ponerse en contacto con usted; es la ley. Si no firma con un abogado, como Strong Law, tendrá que hablar con él y representarse a sí mismo para resolver su lesión. Instamos encarecidamente a no hacerlo; las compañías de seguros están capacitadas para garantizar sus mejores intereses por encima de los suyos.

¿Cuáles son las razones más comunes por las que se deniega el seguro por lesiones?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (49)

Asegúrese de recibir tratamiento médico lo antes posible después de un accidente; de lo contrario, el seguro podría argumentar que su dolor se debe a un incidente no relacionado. Las compañías de seguros harán todo lo posible por encontrar alguna prueba de que el accidente fue culpa suya. No se deje intimidar. Si tiene afecciones médicas preexistentes que lo hacen más propenso a sufrir una lesión, no es raro que las agencias de seguros rechacen las reclamaciones por este motivo.

¿Cuánto tiempo lleva resolver un caso?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (50)

Depende de muchos factores, como la atención médica, las necesidades futuras, las pruebas, la prueba de responsabilidad y muchos otros. Algunos casos llevan meses, mientras que otros pueden durar un par de años. En última instancia, nuestro objetivo es representarlo y lo que será mejor para usted a largo plazo.

¿Por qué los casos pueden durar años?

Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (51)

Porque la ley lo dicta. Hay muchos niveles para garantizar que las compañías de seguros lo traten con una atención óptima. Por ejemplo, dedicarás tiempo a los tratamientos médicos que puedas necesitar. Hay tiempo para recopilar los informes médicos necesarios y descubrir cualquier impacto a largo plazo que esta lesión pueda tener en su vida actual y futura. Hay tiempo para que la otra parte revise nuestras demandas, investigue y también responda. Puede parecer mucho tiempo, pero cumplimos con la ley y elaboramos estrategias para obtener el mejor beneficio para usted. Estamos con usted todo el tiempo.

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Everett Bicycle Accident Lawyers (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.